Online international panel

28 mars 2024

REFUGIN International Panel

REFUGIN's International Panel brings together the Consortium, practitioners and stakeholders identified in A2.1.1 to discuss data from A3.2.1 and A3.2.2. We disseminate project results, raise awareness and strengthen multi-stakeholder cooperation. We conduct an in-depth analysis of the data collected in previous activities to guide the development of WP4 (A3.4). The Ethical Review Committee (A3.4.1) reviews the surveys/interviews for young refugees to ensure that ethical issues relating to the sensitivity of the data collected are appropriately addressed. The International Panel consolidates this knowledge with a cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach, reinforcing the data collected and providing a solid basis for the development of WP4 and WP5 activities, based on the results of WP3.

Because of our dissemination and communications, many participants are joining us to follow this project, which is a very successful event.